Dr. Becker sends me a copy of his evaluation reports, as well. Though I knew I'd made significant progress from what Dr. Becker told me at the end of the evaluation, it's quite another thing to see it on paper. I now have documented evidence that there has been improvement in my sensory/motor function. I can barely wrap my head around it. Even looking at the paper in front of me, I can hardly believe it. But, it's true!
As I mentioned in a previous post, the ASIA exam done during an SCI evaluation quantifies motor function in 10 key muscles – five upper-extremity, and five lower-extremity, on each side – and each of the 10 muscles is graded on a scale from 0-5, with 0 indicating no function and 5 indicating full (normal) function. Maximum score is 100 (50 for bilateral upper extremities, 50 for lower).
The result of my initial evaluation indicates a total motor function score of 5.
After just two months in therapy at the ICSCI, my motor function has increased to 7.
Two points may not seem like much to write home about but, I assure you, it is HUGE. That 1 in the right column might look awfully lonely, standing in that column all by itself, but it is indicative of something I never thought I'd live to see – function in my right arm. That solitary number is not lonely, it is defiant – and it has invited some friends.
Although my right trace triceps is not accounted for here, it is present, and I've been working to strengthen it. It is, however, currently very weak, and sometimes difficult to detect. I suspect it could be that my positioning (supine) during the re-eval exam was different than my positioning (sitting upright) during OT when Mike first found it.
It can also be very difficult to attempt to use a particular muscle because I forget how. I forget how the movement goes. Often times when I try to move something, the other, functioning muscles around it tend to interfere - I'm so accustomed to using them to compensate for the deficit that it's the only way I know how to move, and I can't not use them. This can also make it difficult to detect what is moving.
In all – motor function already improving; from 5 to 7 on ASIA scale.
Tomorrow, I'm back with more good news from the sensory function front.
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